Sal update!!!! 

First off a little side note. I am owned by three beautiful ferrets.

In this picture from the bottom up.

The one on the bottom is Gizmo he is “Dad’s man” (the middle child). He is 7. Sadly in the last little while he has started to show his age. He has problems with his back legs from time to time. He has adrenal disease and insuloma. And is going blind.

The next one up is Taz. She is the oldest at 7.5 years. She has adrenal disease as well. She is still fairly active and quite capable of putting “the boys” in their place when they get too excited. She is “Dad’s Girl” and weighs under a pound. 

The top one is Jasper. He is “Dad’s Boy” and He spent the first year of his life in a pet store in a small rat cage. He was returned three times because he was a “biter”. He was due to be sent back to the breeder for euthanasia. I couldn’t let that happen and realized he was deaf after playing with him for a few minutes. He would bite because people would pick him up from behind and he didn’t know they were there. I’m happy to say that at 4 years old he is happy and healthy, loves to play, and doesn’t bite anymore. He also has adrenal disease and waardenburgh syndrome. Who gives him his flatter head and is equatable to autism in humans. He is the most amazing soul and always makes me laugh.

The adrenal disease requires daily oral medication that is time sensitive so it can be a bit much at times to deal with but I wouldn’t give them up for anything. 

So I have to confess… I’ve been a bad boy. 

I have slowly been getting the supplies together for my next piece. And I finally found a place that carries the fabric I wanted.  So I now have two big projects going. I might be in a little over my head but I just couldn’t wait to start it.

It’s much too big to take back and forth to work with me so Christmas Magic will be my travel piece and Kindred Spirits will be my stay at home project. 

I am still concentrating on my sal piece but it’s nice to have something else to work on every now and then. 

So here is my current update. 

I don’t think I can properly convey how happy I am to finally be starting the next row of pages. I’m not looking forward to the next three pages after this one because it’s very “confetti heavy” but I know it will look amazing in the end.

The official finish of row #1.

For those of you who are interested in my other piece I will be posting the occasional update here as well. 

So… without further ado…. I present this crazy setup for my biggest piece ever…

kindred Spirits

Artwork by Anne Stokes

Charted by Heaven and Earth Designs 

80 pages

89 colours 

And just because I’m lazy and love to stitch in bed. Lol.

This has been a very long post 😜.

Head over and check out the other people in the SAL. They are all amazing crafters and are working on wonderful pieces.

Avis, Claire, Gun, Carole, LucyAnn, Kate, Jess, Sue, Constanze, Debbierose, Christina, Kathy, Margaret, Cindy, Helen, Steph, Linda, Catherine, Wendy, Mary Margaret, Timothy